Reattempt a failed payment

How to reattempt a payment from POS (Point of Sale) and Member's profile
Written by Bojana
Updated 8 months ago
In Xoda, we currently do not support automated failed payment retry. All failed payments need to be re-processed manually. We plan to bring this feature in the near future but as a per gym configuration as not every business wants to automatically retry failed payments without engaging with the members in debts first.
Xoda does send automated fail payment push notifications in the member app to each member in debt.

To reattempt a payment, you can do so from the POS screen OR you can follow the instructions in Generating Failed Payment Report  to do so from the Failed Payment Report:

Reattempt a payment from POS (Point of Sale) 

  1. Under OPERATIONS go to POS.
  2. Scroll down to POS DETAILS.
  3. Using the SEARCH and FILTER functions, look up the transaction pertaining to the member whose payment you need to reattempt.
  4. You may also use the start and end date filters to narrow down your search further.
  5. Next to the transaction hover over the reattempt payment icon in the transaction status and click to initiate.
  6. Select YES on the popup to confirm.
The only time our system automatically retry is if the very first payment processed through our system (a direct debit from either the member's bank account or credit card) does not work, our system will automatically retry until that works before scheduling future payments.

Reattempt a payment from the Member's Profile

  1. Go to MEMBERS, then PURCHASE
  2. Look up the transaction you need to reattempt.
  3. You may also use the start and end date filters to narrow down your search further.
  4. Next to the transaction hover over the reattempt payment icon in the transaction status and click to initiate.
  5. Select YES on the popup to confirm.
When a payment is retried after failing, we display an ellipsis (...) and staff can click on it to open a pop-up revealing the failed payment history. 

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