To schedule a PT session:
- From OPERATIONS, click on 'Schedule'.
- Click on the 'blue +' button on the lower right corner of the screen.
- Fill in following
- Session Type: Select Personal Training
- Session Name
- Staff Name: Always make sure that a PT session is allocated to a trainer/staff.
- Description
- Session Length: (this auto populated)
- Room: (Optional, if applicable only)
- Make it Private: You can choose to make it private by ticking on the box.
- No Booking Period: (optional)
- Late Cancellation Period: (optional)
- Start & End Date: For recurring session, select an end date greater than the start date.
- Frequency: (Applicable for recurring session only) Select how many times in a day, week or month.
- Start & End Time: (this auto populated) You can add a different time slot by clicking on the plus button.
- Days: (Applicable for recurring session only) Select what day of the week
- (Optional) Book a Member: Click on the drop down arrow to select a member to book.
- Click on 'SAVE'.
Once saved, it will be now be visible on the calendar tab on the scheduled date