Lead Reports

How to export lead reports from Xoda
Written by Madhavi
Updated 2 years ago

Goto Growth  >> Reports to navigate to the lead reports

Growth Stats:

  1. Choose the Date: Select the custom date range or choose one of the preset filter
    1. Enter the start date and end date and click search
    2. Choose between the preset filters i.e today, last week, this week, last month and this month.
  2. Choose the status tile: Click on Waiting, Processing, Won and Lost tiles. Graph is displayed below the tiles.
  3. Click On Show table button at the bottom of the graph to see the leads in that respective status
  4. Click on Download CSV on the list to get the export

Average time spent in Stage report: This report displays the average time leads spend in each of the lead stage.

- Click on show table to see the contents in the table format.

- Click Download CSV on the list to get the export.

Lead Stage Duration: Pie chart that displays the time the leads spent in a particular stage chosen.

Lost Reason: Pie chart that displays different lost reasons that leads have provided.

- Click on show table to see the tabular format.

- Click on Download CSV to get the export.

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