Xoda PayChoice integration

Support Playbook for Xoda Ezypay integration
Written by Ying Que
Updated 1 year ago

PayChoice support 

Please contact support@paychoice.com.au to obtain support and other contact points are listed in https://www.paychoice.com.au/contact

Xoda internal error code

If the error code of Payment Failed is seen, please contact support@xoda.com

PayChoice dealing with expired credit cards

There is no action required for expired card details as long as the card number is still valid. PayChoice uses their own tokenisation not the common Network tokenisation but stolen cards will get dishonoured.

PayChoice Reporting

PayChoice does send auto report emails and they can look it up in our portal but no one really likes having to log into PayChoice separately, they prefer to have that information in the management software such as Xoda.

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