Xoda Ezypay integration

Support Playbook for Xoda Ezypay integration
Written by Ying Que
Updated 3 months ago

    Ezypay Hosted Payment page

    For Xoda's integration with Ezypay, Xoda never stores directly any raw payment method data such as members' bank accounts or credit card information. We use the Hosted Payment Pages (HPP) from Ezypay to collect such information and they are securely stored the Ezypay system. This means that for all the fitness businesses using Xoda and Ezypay, their members' payment information is entered in a PCI compliant and secure manner. For further information on these forms provided by Ezypay, please refer to the following articles:

    Ezypay contact point

    help@ezypay.com is the primary way for a merchant to obtain support. Alternatively, you can obtain support from https://www.ezypay.com/contact.

    Direct Debit delays

    Xoda schedules a payment for a member every Wednesday on a weekly basis. That payment will be attempted by Ezypay on each Wednesday but it might then take 3 to 5 business days to process then transfer into the Ezypay virtual wallet then be ready to be settled into the Merchant’s bank account linked with Ezypay. This does not mean the payment was attempted 3 to 5 business days later. Once the debit process has commenced, it is the member’s responsibility to ensure she or he does not overdraw the bank account to lead to the processing to fail during that 3 to 5 business day time period.

    Example merchant Fees

    These sample figures are indicative only please check with Ezypay for your actual merchant fees:

    Load fee of $2.2 is charged only once per new payer
    Failed payment fee is $8.90 regardless the payment method
    Transaction fee (bank) = $0.88
    Transaction fee (card) = 2.2%

    Xoda internal error code

    If the error code of Payment Failed is seen, please contact support@xoda.com

    Ezypay response error code

    Invalid payment method

    In many cases of failed payments due to incorrect payment method, with Ezypay, as a workaround, you have to mark the payments as invalid then use POS to charge those amounts as new transactions. This is because Ezypay will issues an invoice ID for the first failed payment due to invalid payment method and all subsequent failures due to the same reason will not trigger any more invoice IDs from Ezypay which are known as Ezypay payment IDs. Therefore, they cannot be retried.


    When a refund is issued, can I assume the client does NOT get the bank fees refunded?

    Yes the bank fees are refunded to the customer but are then charged to the business (the merchant/gym owner).  If the fee is payable by the customer, then refund will include the merchant's revenue and our fees. Then the transaction fee gets reallocated/charged to the merchant.

    Known error code

    Success code - Success


    “Failed - Payment method has insufficient funds at the time of the transaction.”

    It is important to check in with Ezypay if there is a dispute raised by the member. Sometimes, the member is told by their bank that there was no reason to dishonour such fees. In these case, Ezypay can provide a detailed payment failure report from their end to assist with the communication with the members.

    Ezypay incorrect token

    Error code: Failed - customer with specified customerid cannot be found.

    Whenever we see this error, it means the payment token we have stored on Xoda is no good and needs to be deleted to wipe the slate clean. After that clean up from Xoda, the owner or the member can re-enter the payment method from scratch.

    How Ezypay handle expired credit cards

    Ezypay has a number of capabilities to ensure we can continue to bill an expired card, without needing to have the cardholder update their details. In some situations we take advantage of "magic dates" (some card issuers will allow the expired PAN to be sent and authorised). Also (more importantly) we have been implementing Network Tokenisation - which is live with Mastercard at the moment. A Network Token remains valid, even when the original PAN is replaced due to expiry or a lost/stolen card.
    Ezypay is already doing this for Xoda customers who have a Mastercard right now (does not require Xoda to do anything differently). Ezypay is also working on implementing the same for Visa. In Ezypay's opinion, it is not a greater user experience to implement a reminder feature for expiry and will be required once the aforementioned feature is in place to automatically handle expired cards.

    Ezypay checkout form

    Ezypay checkout form on member registration link has only card payment (not bank payment). Ezypay officially states that What is the Checkout Page The Checkout page allows merchants to collect once-off credit card payments from their customers online via an URL link.

    Payment retries

    Xoda cron jobs do not perform automatic retries. Customers don't have access to an Ezypay portal. The only way they can retry payments is through Xoda. The members can be sent a link to make good on their failed payments via a feature called PayNow from Ezypay, provided that feature is enabled for the merchants. Please note that reprocessed payments through PayNow might not be synced in status to Xoda.

    Payment Errors

    If you encounter this error, click on 'Ignore, retry!'.


    If you encounter this error, mark the transaction as invalid then go to POS to sell a product such as Failed Payment Settlement (create such a product).

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