View a member's upcoming direct debit schedule

How to view a member's upcoming direct debit payments
Written by Bojana
Updated 1 year ago

To view a member's upcoming direct debit schedule:

  2. SEARCH πŸ”for the member whose direct debit you want to view
  3. Click into the member’s profile
  4. Scroll across the tabs to UPCOMING PAYMENTS and click it
  5. This will show you the member’s next 2-3 months of scheduled payments
  6. Under the SCHEDULED AMOUNT tab you can edit any of the scheduled payments without interfering with the remaining schedule.
Please note the upcoming payments schedule will display data even if a plan's next billing date is set to be today or in the past. If the next billing date is in the past, our system will catch up all the failed payments at a rate of one past payment per day. However, in the upcoming payment schedule page we have to display those catch up payments in present and future days when they are actually debited. For example, if a member owes 3 weekly payments, our system will charge it today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The upcoming schedule will display accordingly with those dates.
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