To reactivate a suspended/drop-out member from Member Suspension menu:
- Under OPERATIONS go to Members
- SEARCH 🔍 for the member you want to reactivate
- Click into their profile (There should be a DROPOUT status on the right)
- Click on the edit button and press the REACTIVATE MEMBER button
- If the member has a current plan, popup appears asking to either continue with the current plan or choose a new plan.
- Click on No continue with current plan to stay on the existing plan.
- Click on Yes to choose a new plan/pack. The screen will then take you to the POS (Point of Sale) screen to allow you to select a new plan/pack and start date for that member, depending on which membership they are wanting to purchase.
- If the member does not have a current plan, clicking on REACTIVATE MEMBER opens a popup message as below
- Click on OK to choose a plan or pack
- The screen will then take you to the POS (Point of Sale) screen to allow you to select a new plan and start date for that member, depending on which membership they are wanting to purchase
- Once all information has been entered, click on PAY to complete the process
To reactivate a dropout member from the POS screen:
- On the POS screen, all members can be found regardless of their status. In other words, you can find any Drop Out members on the POS screen to sell a pack or a plan or credits to a Drop Out member to reactivate that member.
- For the dropout members who do not have the REACTIVATE MEMBER button available in the suspension menu in member profile, the staff can reactivate this dropout member by selling a new plan or pack from POS to this member.
- The REACTIVATE MEMBER button is not available typically because such a member is active but without a prior plan or pack. This is applicable to members who went on trials or had carried over credits during migration from a previous management platform onto Xoda.