Inactive definition and handling

How does Xoda define a member as inactive
Written by Ying Que
Updated 3 months ago

Inactive definition:

Currently, Xoda will make a member as a inactive if he or she meets the following three conditions:

  1. Has no active or upcoming (inactive but starting in the future) plan

  2. and has no active pack

  3. and has no unfinished bookings, i.e., future date sessions booked and not yet attended.

Inactive handling:

Xoda enforces and handles the inactive checks in two ways:

  1. Event-based instant enforcements: in the following user actioned events, an instant inactive check will be done, cancelling a plan or zeroing the balance of a pack to effectively deactivate it.
  2. Delayed enforcements by a batch job: Xoda has a daily run batch job to check if there’s any members with expired plan/pack on the day and conduct inactive checks on those expired members.
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