Cancel a member

How to cancel a member
Written by Madhavi
Updated 9 months ago

To cancel a new member:

  2. SEARCH 🔍 the member you want to cancel
  3. Click into their profile
  4. In the PERSONAL INFO tab, scroll down to MEMBER SUSPEND and click on the edit button
  5. If you wish to CANCEL the member, press CANCEL after which a pop up will prompt you to select the future date you wish to cancel and the reason for doing so. SUBMIT your answers and CONFIRM.
Note: Cancel Member button is only visible to an active member. If the member is with status suspended or drop out then Reactivate Member and then Cancel button will appear.
A member whose cancellation is set to a future date will have the cancellation actioned on that future date so the upcoming payments section will continue to show future payments up to the future date of cancellation.

Alternatively, Member can be cancelled by Cancelling the plan attached. This automatically cancels all the classes the member has booked in for.

Any forms you have attached to the member cancellation section will also pop up at this point to enter further details.

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