Standard import file format and mandatory fields

The minimum requirements for data migration into Xoda
Written by Ying Que
Updated 4 months ago

This google sheet serves a sample import file template for migrating to XODA. It is also given below as an excel spreadsheet. 

Xoda Standard Migration Template.xlsx

Mandatory data fields per member

  1. Email address: each member must have a valid email address per Xoda business account. A member without an email address will not be imported. That email cannot be shared with another member attending the same gym or studio. That email cannot be shared with another staff working at the same gym. If two members share the same email address, we shall set up a family plan to connect them or use email aliases. All mainstream emails support aliases such as and
  2. First name
  3. Last name

Other data fields per member

  1. Mobile number: good to have but is optional.
  2. Address: residential or post address.
  3. DoB: Date of Birth
  4. Next of Kin: Emergency contact
  5. Gender

Recurring plan information per member

  1. Plan name: must ensure the plans are built in Xoda prior to migration.
  2. Plan start date: useful for enforcing early contract cancellation.
  3. Payment frequency (payment term): such as weekly or fortnightly or monthly.
  4. Plan fee: scheduled amount to be charged per payment term (such as per week)
  5. Next billing date: when the member will be debited next.
  6. Plan expiration date: this is optional but we can import them for record keeping and enforcing early contract cancellation because Xoda will continue charge in a recurring plan till the staff cancels the member profile. 

Pack information per member

  1. Pack name: must ensure the packs are built in Xoda prior to migration.
  2. Pack start date.
  3. Pack expiration date.
  4. Remaining credits.
Please note that a pack imported into our database during migration will not be accompanied by a purchase/transaction record because such purchases took place in the previous booking system before migration to Xoda.
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